Hu Ge teaches in rural village, sponsors child to go to school

Posted by on December 4th, 2010 | Category: Actor's News

Although he often portrays world-saving heroes on TV, Hu Ge shows his down-to-earth sweetness on a recent episode of “By Your Side” as he shows the audience that you don’t need super powers to be a hero. From thousands of applicants asking him to spend a day with him, Hu Ge picked Su Chao, a city girl who decided to go teach in rural regions of Hunan.

In the show, Hu Ge first surprised the children with backpacks filled with school supplies. When he learned that because of how far the children have to travel to go home, none of them eat lunch, he also decided to forgo lunch to play with the children, even building them a basketball hoop. After school ended, he went with the teacher to convince a girl who had dropped out because her family couldn’t afford school, promising the girl that he will support her all the way to college.

“The flag is at your East, and the East is where the sun rises, and the East is also where you will walk out of this village. I hope you can study well with Teacher Su. With knowledge, when you grow up, you can leave this village to fulfill your dreams, and when you have the ability, you can come back and change your village’s life,” Hu Ge told the students during the flag-rising event in the morning.

Hu Ge had previously donated all profits of his last book to build a Hope School for children in rural regions. Upon finishing filming, the production team contacted the Hunan Youth Funds to build a new school for the children. You can watch the episode on Tudou here.

Hu Ge in village

“If we have extra wealth, I think it’s only right that we provide these children with better conditions“- Hu Ge

Source: cfensi

Comments (4)


  1. Brad says:

    Fantastic news! Two questions:

    1) Hu Ge has written a book? What’s it about? More info please! :D

    2) What’s By Your Side? Does it feature a different celeb every episode?

    • Hi Brad!

      Hu Ge published a book about his car accident which occurred 4 years ago, which killed his a colleague Zhang Mian. The school recently opened and was named after Zhang Mian.

  2. kellyhumi胡歌 says:

    answering to brad question: Hu Ge book is called :幸福的拾荒者…story is abt:
    书籍提要:胡歌写的第一本书,赠海报和精美书签。在这本图文并茂的写真书中,胡歌娓娓道来,用 自己真诚平实而感人的笔触记录了2006年夏天车祸发生的来龙去脉。面对突如其来的打击,疼痛的折磨,支离破碎的一切,胡歌表达了自己对生活和生命的理解 与感悟。文字之间,自己坦然面对的乐观和真诚,以及将被撞碎的幸福拾回的心路历程平铺展现。此外,胡歌的童年趣事、学习唱歌和演戏的片段、好友的祝福、近 百张首度曝光的照片被一并收录到了本书中,翔实记录了胡歌从人生轨迹一帆风顺的青春偶像蜕变成一个日渐成熟、坦然面对生命的幸福拾荒者的过程。
      2006年夏天,胡歌遭遇一场严重的车祸。脖颈重伤并伤及面部,一度被认为无法继续演艺事业。 他经历着痛楚与迷茫,并没有放弃,而是选择了乐观坦然地接受一切。当年,二十四五岁的胡歌面对生命的无常,面对身边朋友的离去,他将幸福一个个拾回。《幸 福的拾荒者》记录了胡歌治疗期间的心路历程和人生感悟,同时缅怀他的好友张冕。

  3. kellyhumi胡歌 says:

    i m not that sure abt By Your Side…but i think it’s a 綜藝節目…featuring different stars…THINK SO:))

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