Best fight scenes in “Sword and Fairy 1” ranked

As a fan of the original RPG “The Legend of Sword and Fairy“, one of the highlights of “Sword and Fairy 1″ 又见逍遥 was seeing all the battles come to life. The CG in this 2024 remake has significantly improved since the 2005 drama. We’re no longer distracted by poorly rendered backgrounds and awkward-looking monsters. We also get to see a lot more special effects for their attacks and spells! I absolutely loved the choreography of the action scenes, and the use of the original battle music from the game brought back such a wave of nostalgia. It was just fantastic!

Without further ado, here’s a list of my top 8 favourite fight scenes in “Sword and Fairy 1”. Post contains major spoilers, so please proceed with caution! Even better, watch the entire series free online.

8. Li Xiaoyao vs Lin Yueru – their first encounter

Li Xiaoyao: “Woman, how could you be so brutal?”

Lin Yueru: “I can do whatever I want and it’s none of your business.”

Li Xiaoyao: “Such an unreasonable woman! I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

Xu Hao as Lin Yueru (Sword and Fairy 1, Chinese Paladin remake)
Xu Hao as Lin Yueru
Lin Yueru vs Li Xiaoyao (Xu Hao and He Yu) in Sword and Fairy 1.
Yueru and Xiaoyao first meet in episode 3
He Yu as Li Xiaoyao in Sword and Fairy 1
He Yu as Li Xiaoyao

Li Xiaoyao: “Dragon Pick!”

“I…. I meant to grab the whip. I’m sorry.

Lin Yueru: “Flirt!

I had to include this in the top 8 as it’s such an iconic moment when Lin Yueru first appears in the game. Although Li Xiaoyao is still pretty inexperienced and rusty at this stage (which also leads to this embarrassing moment), he sure is on his way to greatness XD. No spells used, just good old hand-combat! Of course, I love a good reference of him using his in-game ‘stealing’ ability ;)

7. Fight against Taoist Mu in Peach Blossom Village

Taoist Mu: “Silly boy. Regardless of whose disciple you are from Mount Shu, if you dare collude with evil spirits, I have a duty to kill you for our sect.”

Li Xiaoyao: “If you want to fight, let’s fight. Stop talking nonsense!”

He Yu as Li Xiaoyao (Sword and Fairy 1)
Li Xiaoyao vs Taoist Mu in episode 24
He Yu as Li Xiaoyao (Sword and Fairy 1)
Sword and Fairy 1- Peach Blossom Arc battle
A-Tao and her father join the fight
Yang Yutong as Zhao Ling'er using her thunder spell (Sword and Fairy 1)
Yang Yutong as Zhao Ling’er using her thunder spell from the sky

In the seventh spot is the epic battle between Li Xiaoyao and Taoist Mu, an expelled disciple of the Mount Shu sect. I have to admit, the moment the game’s music started playing, I felt pumped! This showdown was the perfect climax to the Peach Blossom Village arc, featuring an intense clash of swords that felt incredibly balanced.

Meanwhile, Yueru was engaged in her own fight with Baopu.

A-Tao and her father help by using their peach tree branches to restrain the old man. Finally, Ling’er swooped in with bolts of thunder, creating a stunning spectacle. Xiaoyao then delivered the final blow with his gigantic golden sword, sending the old man crashing to the ground.

6. Ghost General resurrection

Sword and Fairy 1 - Li Xiaoyao vs Ghost general battle
Battle against the Ghost General in episode 9

Night has fallen, and a zombie outbreak is raging inside as everyone scrambles to defend their fort. Suddenly, the GIGANTIC Ghost General smashes through the front gate, sending shockwaves through the defenders.

Sword and Fairy 1 - Ghost general battle

Xiaoyao jumps into battle, though it’s Ling’er who truly shines here with her display of elemental powers. Wow, she is so strong!!

Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er fight together in Sword and Fairy 1.
Best duo! Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling’er fight together

I love the way the two fight together, with Ling’er floating in the sky while Xiaoyao is flanking down below.

Sword and Fairy 1 - Ghost general battle

5. Everyone vs Bai Yue

In an exciting drama-only arc, the main group faces off against Bai Yue and his men during his surprise visit in episode 22. After he shatters the Witch Queen’s statue, Ling’er immediately retaliates by launching thunderbolts at him. After she is knocked back – Xiaoyao steps in for a one-on-one battle, followed closely by Yueru. A’nu and General Gai join the fight too, but they all get sent flying back without leaving a mark on Bai Yue.

Bai Yue: “After ten years, who shall be the first to take this fatal strike?”

Sword and Fairy 1- Ling'er Fight against Bai Yue
The group battle against Bai Yue in episode 22
Sword and Fairy 1- Zhao Ling'er and Li Xioayo fight against Bai Yue
Zhao Ling’er and Li Xiaoyao attack together
Sword and Fairy 1- Fight against Bai Yue
Even with the two combined, they are no match for Bai Yue

I enjoyed this fight, but ranked it lower than the others because it ended a bit anti-climatically. Bai Yue let them off since he didn’t want them to die just yet—did he really come just to kill one person and destroy Qing’er’s statue? Still, it was a nice addition to the story being able to see Bai Yue earlier on instead of right at the end. It also cemented just how powerful he is and created an even greater urgency for the group to find the remaining spiritual pearls.

4. Lin Yueru vs Li Xiaoyao: Combat for marriage

Yueru and Xiaoyao fight one-on-one again, this time during the combat for marriage contest in episode 4.

Li Xiaoyao: “Ling’er, don’t worry. If I don’t give this savage girl a good lesson, she’ll keep haunting us. And we’ll only do martial arts instead of the marriage thing.”

A deal, huh? Only the martial arts.

Lin Yueru: “Enough talk. Let’s fight.

Lin Yueru combat for marriage contest (Sword and Fairy 1)
Lin Yueru on stage for the combat for marriage contest

No embarrassing “Dragon Pick” moments this time—just Xiaoyao demonstrating his Mount Shu sect swordsmanship learned from the Drunken Sword Immortal. When he defeats her, the game victory music plays which was seriously the best XD I did not expect to hear that!

Li Xiaoyao defeats Lin Yueru in the combat for marriage contest (Sword and Fairy 1)
Li Xiaoyao defeats Lin Yueru in the combat for marriage contest *Victory music plays*

Yueru continues to fight which only leads to more embarrassment as she finds herself suspended in mid-air, entangled in fabric. As the material rips, she lets out a scream, plummeting toward the ground in slow motion. Xiaoyao dashes toward her, seemingly poised to catch her—but instead, he swoops in to rescue a cockroach from being squished beneath her. Oh my! XD

Lin Yueru combat for marriage contest (Sword and Fairy 1)
Lin Yueru utterly defeated..fair and square.

I ranked this in fourth place due to the choreography being really well done and the entertainment factor.

3. Final showdown against Bai Yue and Water Beast

How could we possibly leave out the final epic battle against Bai Yue and the Water Beast from the top three? It’s an unforgettable showdown that showcases incredible stakes, stunning visuals, and intense action that has everyone on the edge of their seats. It also ends incredibly tragically, adding an emotional weight to their fight.

Bai Yue: “You’re the daughter of the demoness. It’s time to send you to meet your mother.”

Zhao Ling’er: “Today, I will avenge my mother.”

Bai Yue: “The Nuwa clan is as stubborn as ever, and you should all meet the same fate.”

Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er (He Yu and Yang Yutong) together in the final battle (Sword and Fairy 1)
Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling’er together in the final battle
He Yu as Li Xiaoyao fighting the Water Beast (Sword and Fairy 1)
Xiaoyao fighting the Water Beast
Zhao Ling'er using the power of the 5 elemental pearls to destroy the Water Beast (Sword and Fairy 1)
Zhao Ling’er using the power of the 5 elemental pearls to destroy the Water Beast

Li Xiaoyao: “Bai Yue, you have no way to escape.

Bai Yue: “Shut up! The divine beast isn’t dead yet. As long as I’m here, it won’t die!

Sword and Fairy 1 finale
Bai Yue merges with the Water Beast and becomes immortal
The fight might go on... Sword and Fairy 1 final battle
The fight must go on…
Ling'er summons the Goddess Nuwa  (Sword and Fairy 1)
Ling’er summons the Goddess Nuwa
Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er severely injured in battle (He Yu and Yang Yutong in Sword and Fairy 1)
Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling’er severely injured in battle

Zhao Ling’er: “Xiaoyao ge ge!”

Li Xiaoyao: “Bai Yue has turned into such a monster.”

Zhao Ling’er: “He is now immortal. Unless…”

Li Xiaoyao: “No, no. No way.”

Zhao Ling’er: “This is the mission of our Nuwa descendants. I knew it long ago.

Li Xiaoyao: “Ling’er, no. No! No way. This isn’t yours. No! Why is it like this? Why?!”

Zhao Ling'er making the ultimate sacrifice (Sword and Fairy 1 ending)
Zhao Ling’er making the ultimate sacrifice. She tells Xiaoyao to take good care of their daughter Yiru.

Xiaoyao was ready to face death alongside Ling’er, his heart resolute and unwavering. But in an agonizing twist, she bound him back with thick, twisting tree vines, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination. The vines tightened around his limbs, a physical reminder of his helplessness, leaving him powerless to intervene.

As she stepped away, his heart shattered. He struggled against the bindings, his mind racing with desperation, but the more he fought, the more trapped he felt. All he could do was watch, paralyzed by the overwhelming anguish that coursed through him.

Ling’er stood resolute, her figure illuminated by a faint, ethereal glow as she prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice. Her bravery was breathtaking, yet it felt like a dagger piercing his heart. Memories of their laughter, their dreams, and the love that had blossomed between them flashed before his eyes, now tainted by the inevitability of her fate.

Sword and Fairy 1 ending.
Ling’er falling down below towards the Divine Beast

2. Fight against Mount Shu Sect

Oh gosh, that was a lot. Now, onto the top 2!

Tai Wu: “Fellow disciples, the demoness is powerful. We must capture her today, to prevent further harm to the world.”

Yang Yutong as Zhao Ling'er (Sword and Fairy 1) casting a shield
Yang Yutong as Zhao Ling’er (Sword and Fairy 1) casting a shield
Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er and Lin Yueru vs Mount Shu sect (Sword and Fairy 1)
Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling’er and Lin Yueru vs Mount Shu sect

The battle against the Mount Shu sect in episode 25 is definitely a scene I’ve rewatched 100 times XD! Even though this exact fight doesn’t occur in the game, I really enjoyed watching the three leads fight together and each hold their own. The action sequences are top-notch, showcasing incredible choreography (especially during the Seven-Star Sword Formation). The battle is intense as they are outnumbered with 8 against the 3 of them.

Zhao Ling’er :”The sword formation is so formidable.”

Little Stone: “Miss Fairy, this is Mount Shu’s Seven-Star Sword Formation, specifically powerful against high-level demons, surpassing all evil spirits”.

Sword and Fairy 1 episode 25 fight
Powers of Nuwa awakening
Yang Yutong as Zhao Ling'er in Sword and Fairy 1 as she unleashes a torrent of powerful energy
Ling’er screams as she unleashes a torrent of powerful energy

Then came the epic moment when Ling’er unleashed her Nuwa powers, her heart racing at the sight of her beloved Xiaoyao gravely injured. With a primal scream, she tapped into a well of strength deep within her, and waves of energy erupted from her. The force was overwhelming, inflicting pain to everyone in its path. As the brilliant light engulfed the battlefield, it not only showcased her immense power but also her fierce determination to protect the one she loved.

1. King of Prison in Demon Locking Tower

Episode 33 is undeniably the most climatic of the entire show, starting with Li Xiaoyao’s shocking revelation of Ling’er in her true form, to the tragic end of Yueru falling to her death and everything in-between.

Ultimately, I had to give the top spot to the battle against the King of Prison in the Demon Locking Tower, as its intensity and stakes elevate the entire narrative to new heights. (Strangely enough, this battle was entirely absent from the 2005 “Chinese Paladin” drama.)

Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er and Lin Yueru face the King of Prison (He Yu, Yang Yutong, Xu Hao in Sword and Fairy 1)
Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling’er and Lin Yueru face the King of Prison

Zhao Ling’er: “King of Prison, I am not a demon. I am a descendant of Nuwa.”

King of Prison: “How dare you? That’s ridiculous. Taoists follow Taoism, while Buddhists honour Buddha. Where does this so-called descendant of Nuwa come from? Just another heresy from the southern barbarians.”

“Lin Yueru: You call yourself a god yet can’t recognise Nuwa!”

King of Prison: “Since I can’t reason with you, you shall perish here without a next life.

Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru and Zhao Ling'er fighting against the King of Prison (Sword and Fairy 1)
Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru and Zhao Ling’er fighting against the King of Prison
Sword and Fairy 1 episode 33
The battle is intense and chaotic

The choreography was nothing short of breathtaking; every spinning move felt like a dance of fate, crafting a stunning visual spectacle that left me utterly mesmerized.

Yang Yutong as Zhao Ling'er in episode 33 (Sword and Fairy 1)
Yang Yutong as Zhao Ling’er in episode 33 (Sword and Fairy 1)
Xu Hao as Lin Yueru in episode 33 (Sword and Fairy 1)
Xu Hao as Lin Yueru in episode 33 (Sword and Fairy 1)
He Yu as Li Xiaoyao in episode 33 (Sword and Fairy 1)
He Yu as Li Xiaoyao in episode 33 (Sword and Fairy 1)

Suddenly, out of nowhere—Ling’er soared into the air and summoned the God of Thunder! O_O Wooooah! It was an utterly jaw-dropping moment that completely caught me off-guard. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING AT ALL. Then, witnessing Li Xiaoyao unleash the “Wine God Spell” for the first time was just as exhilarating, and together, they took down the formidable King of Prison. It was so incredibly cool! The intensity of it all left me breathless.

Yang Yutong as Zhao Ling'er in episode 33 summons Thunder God (Sword and Fairy 1)
Yang Yutong as Zhao Ling’er summons the Thunder God
He Yu as Li Xiaoyao using the Wine God spell
He Yu as Li Xiaoyao using the Wine God spell
Sword and Fairy 1 episode 33 battle - Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao defeat the King of Prison
Zhao Ling’er and Li Xiaoyao defeat the King of Prison

And there you have it—my top 8 favourite battles from Sword and Fairy 1! Were there any surprises for you? Are there any battles you would have included in this list? Comment below and share your favourite battle scenes! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

You can read my full review of “Sword and Fairy 1” here.


2 responses to “Best fight scenes in “Sword and Fairy 1” ranked”

  1. Kaz

    Entertaining read and recaps! Yes these battle scenes were pretty cool, esp the thunder god, wine god and NuWa!

  2. Yay! Thanks for reading Kaz :D Glad you enjoyed it. Took me much longer than expected to put together but it was fun going back to the battle scenes ^^;; The summons definitely were a highlight…wish they featured all of them lol

    What I did notice while putting this list together is how Anu barely made it to the list at all, and Yueru definitely could’ve got a power boost or some spells.

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